27th March 2020

Rescues Stranded Trekkers from Mountains in Nepal

On the 4th days of consecutive lockdown, Nepalese face daily life tricky. People locked at home. It says that shutting down the country is the only way to breakdown the chain of COVID-19 pandemic. The authority lifts the tighten curfew to open groceries from 6 to 8 AM and 6 to 8 PM.  

Due to unprecedented lockdown, several people, mainly daily wages, are marching pass back to their village on the 100s kilometer-long roads.  Very few numbers of cars, which carry Police, and ambulances are running on the street in Kathmandu. The security Forces beat wandering, defying curfew, people around public places.

Today, some dozen tourists, mainly European, who stranded in Lukla and Jomsom were evacuated to Kathmandu and Pokhara. Before imposing lockdown, the tourists have already started Trekking and Tours in the mountains. Hopefully, the Nepal Tourism Board will manage them safely back home.

It says some of the evacuated tourists wish to extend the visa to stay longer in Nepal until the pandemic goes normal. As they think Nepal is a much safer place to isolate rather than their countries.

According to the Nepal Health Ministry, there are just three cases that contracted of the Coronavirus so far. One of them has recovered, and two of them are under treatment. Fortunately, there is no fatalities case of Coronavirus yet.  They have tested over 700 suspected patients. Infected peoples’ numbers come stable.  

vegetable market Kathmandu

vegetable market Kathmandu

Currently, the Nepal Government is working hard to control the Coronavirus pandemic. More testing kits, Personal Protective Equipments, and required gears as per WHO protocol are importing from China and Korea.

In all five provinces, isolation and quarantine placements have been managed. All provincial Chief Ministers lead the rapid action team to fight against the unseen enemy, the Coronavirus.  

Whole Nepalese are optimistic about defeating Coronavirus. Our solidarity will exterminate COVID-19.



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