21st August 2020

First time ever the most prominent Nepalese festival, Teej, goes gloomy in 2020.

The COVID-19 pandemic strikes several festive occasions. Nepal, itself, is known as a country which has 366 days festival in a year.

As of March 22, many festive days have come and gone. The most famous festival, such as Baishakh Purnima, Ghode Jatra, Gaai Jatra, Raksha Bandhan, and Teej were halted.

 Traditionally, a large number of people celebrate these festivals in public places.  They celebrate by inviting each other, having delicious foods, enjoying traditional music, etc.  Sadly, due to Coronavirus, festivals of 2020 seem depressing.

Teej, the biggest festival of Nepalese women, used to be celebrated nationwide. A massive influx of devotees, with fasting, offers worship for husband’s long life in the Pashupati Nath temple.

Simultaneously, also, unmarried women take apart in the festival and offer worship to the God Shiva for deserving husband in the future.

Having the offer finish, the devotees come out and enjoy dancing and singing at the temple premises.

Some devotees, who avoid the crowd at Pashupati Nath Temple, they offer worship at shiva’s shrine at their locality.

It is believed, on the fasting day, devotees must not swallow even saliva.  

Teej Dance

Teej Dance

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